Monday of the Twentieth Week of Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


Jesus encounters many religious leaders during his ministry who are trying to ensnare him in his speech or are simply too hard-hearted to receive his words of preaching. It is refreshing to read the young man approach Jesus in sincerity and ask him, Teacher, what good must I do to gain eternal life?” The man expresses his desire to do what is right in the eyes of God. The man isn’t trying to trick Jesus or find some reason to arrest or kill Jesus, but he simply wants to reform his life.

We might feel confident with our relationship with God and pleased with our many good works. But, the humble person, the one who truly desires to grow in union with God, will not try to justify him or herself by righteous deeds. We have to be willing to consider our own sinfulness. Awareness of the areas of our weakness or places where we need to grow should not make us feel discouraged. Take the young man’s final question to prayer: “What do I still lack?” Don’t be afraid to explore these areas where you are lacking. The Holy Spirit will guide you to see the areas of your life that still need conversion and reform. The same God who reveals your weaknesses will also give you the grace to grow if you ask for it.

God may not be calling you to “sell what you have and give to the poor.” But, God will challenge you in ways that might seem difficult and daunting at the outset, because changing is hard. But, remember that God’s desire is not merely to take away and leave you unhappy, but rather draw you closer to Himself, where only in God will you find your true treasure.

Reflection Question: Lord my God, how are you calling me to love you more this day?

Reflection by Fr. Paul Sheller, OSB

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